Summer School: Tracer Mixing in Fluids Across Planetary Scales

July 8, 2024 - July 19, 2024


Thaddeus Komacek
Department of Astronomy
University of Maryland
Vedran Lekic
Department of Geology
University of Maryland
Jacob Wenegrat
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland

Tracers provide a window into the emergent dynamics of fluid systems, and have been applied to study mixing and circulation across planetary scales from the deep interior to the overlying oceans and atmospheres. This two-week summer school will study tracer mixing on Earth, across the Solar System, and on exoplanets. Topics will include Earth’s interior dynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics, physical oceanography, and atmospheric circulation, along with fluid mixing in Solar System objects from Venus to the gas and ice giant planets along with their icy moons, and the broad range of hot, warm, and temperate exoplanets that have or will be characterized by astronomical observations. The school will consist of lectures given by internationally recognized experts in planetary fluid dynamics, presentations by student attendees, and collaborative research projects to forge new implementations and applications of tracers to the study of planetary fluid simulations, experiments, and observations.


  • Peter Driscoll, Carnegie Institution for Science
  • Baylor Fox-Kemper, Brown University
  • Jake Gebbie, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Wanying Kang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Daniel Lecoanet, Northwestern University
  • Cheng Li, University of Michigan
  • Mingming Li, Arizona State University
  • Marianna Linz, Harvard University
  • Deep Ray, University of Maryland
  • Richard Walker, University of Maryland
  • Darryn Waugh, Johns Hopkins University
  • Xi Zhang, University of California Santa Cruz


